Consultancy . Training & Calibration Services


BINNAYAN Group Leading Consultancy, Calibration and Training Based in Malaysia

comprehensive Training Calendar to cater Online and Face to Face Session for your own convenience.
In-House Training
Explore our tailored In-House Training Programs, designed to meet the specific needs of your organization.
HRDF Claimable
BINNAYAN Group Sdn. Bhd. is a duly registered and accredited training provider with HRD Corp, the Human Resources Development Fund.
Your organization’s professional reputation will benefit from the implementation of the ISO/IEC 17025 accreditation. And our experienced team can help to guide you through the process.
Calibration Services
There is a phrase: “If you can‘t measure it, you can‘t improves it.” Measurement is the foundation of quality, safety, efficiency, and overall development.
BINNAYAN Group Sdn. Bhd.Office
Leading consultancy and training academy based in Malaysia, specializing in ISO/IEC 17025.
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